I'm a woman, wife, mum, gardener, artist www.angelartweb.net and grafist www.angela-design.fr, I'm constantly looking for spontaneity in my painting activity and in my life in general. I'm convinced that creativity is in within us all, and I wish to offer a space where anyone can meet his or her self expression with fun.
I admire and I'm inspired by the work of Arno Stern www.arnostern.com who studied and praticed the "jeu de peindre" (or the "painting game") since 1950 in his workshop in Paris. He gives talks, lectures and seminars around the world... He created workshops in hospitals, schools, social centers, cultural institutions... The city of Paris handed him a workshop in which he has created "l'Ecole de Praticiens d'Education Créatrice" which is a school for pratitioners of educative creativity.
I am also very much inspired by the work of Bénédicte Charpentier www.benedictecharpentier.fr, a famous artist, teacher and author of a method of creative expression through drawing, painting and sculpture. As well as the work of Brigitte Sénéca who says: "Beauty isn't what is pretty, but what is alive"